You Never Know When He’ll Use You By Carolyn Miller Written Thursday, February 16, 2006 for sistersinbusiness.net Copyright. 2006 I wound up at Metro Tab Church that Sunday afternoon totally by a series of what I thought at the time was unrelated events. But as I found out later it was all by Divine Orchestration.
That Sunday morning as I was walking through the halls of my church, New United, I saw a poster advertising that CeCe Winans would be in concert at Metropolitan Tabernacle (Metro Tab) for a free concert. I absolutely love to hear her worship and praise the Lord and decided that I would go. As I read further on the poster, it was that very day at 6:00 PM. My husband had previously made plans to visit a friend that evening, so I went to see CeCe alone. When I arrived, about 30 minutes early I might add, the place was already quite full. I looked around for the best vantage point that was still available and sat down. A few moments later some other people came in and I moved down a few seats more to make room for them and found myself next to a nice young man (Caleb Kelly) who seemed to be very, very excited to be there. I thought to myself, “he can’t be more than 16 or 17 years old.” I also remember thinking that most young black males his age would probably rather be at a hip-hop concert instead of a gospel concert. This really impressed me and I started to engage him in conversation. As we talked I found out that he is probably the biggest CeCe Winan’s fan that I’ve ever met. He told me how he has all her albums and has always wanted to meet her. I told him about the time that I met her in 1992 when she and BeBe did a concert at Riverbend and that I used to work with her husband, Alvin Love, when I worked at Xerox Corporation. We also shared which songs of hers are our favorites and that we knew all the words to those songs. We just seemed to click and when the concert began, we were on our feet the whole time singing and praising the Lord with CeCe and everyone else that was in attendance that evening. It was truly a special time that I’ll never forget.
During intermission Pastor Steve addressed the crowd and stated how wonderful it was to have CeCe and that she and her group were returning home to Nashville from the Throne Room Tour. They had been doing free concerts in some cities along the way and Chattanooga was their last stop. He asked for a love offering and also asked that if anyone who would like to sow an additional seed into her ministry they could do so and in return would get a chance to come back stage after the concert to meet her and have their picture taken with her. I immediately went out and called my husband and asked if he could come down after the concert so we could meet her, see and talk to Alvin, her husband, again and take a picture with them. He agreed and asked me to call him when it was over. Intermission ended while I was still out in the lobby so I rushed back in for more praise and worship. Needless to say, she was magnificent and Caleb and I sang and cried, and just had a wonderful time enjoying the concert.
Just before the concert ended I called my husband as he asked me to and told him to come on down. He said that he was still at his friend’s house and asked if I minded if he didn’t come. I told him that was fine and that’s when it hit me . . . ask Caleb if he wants to come with me back stage—so I did. You would have thought that I just told him he won a million dollars! I thought he was going to pick me right up off the ground, he was so excited. We were two of about 30 people who were back stage. Everyone was excited, but not nearly as excited as Caleb. When we finally got our chance he was overcome with joy. CeCe was so sweet and gave him the biggest hug. I felt so blessed to there to witness his overwhelming joy and excitement. At that very moment I knew that this was why I saw that poster, decided to come, and was now being used by God to fulfill someone else’s dreams. Every time I look at the picture of CeCe, Caleb and me I am reminded that God does work in mysterious and wonderful ways and that what we do for others is the most important thing that we can do. So as I said in the beginning, you never know when the Lord will use you.
Also, as a side note: If I had never gone to that concert and met Caleb, I would have never met his wonderful mother Tekelia Kelly, Owner and Publisher of sistersinbusiness.net. That chance meeting with her son, Caleb, has brought me many, many blessings one being becoming one of the first "pioneer members" of Sisters In Business! Thank you Jesus for all these wonderful blessings!
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